An Eggs-cellent Haul


March SOLC–Day 13

11536033_10206704080305935_7015704040117380847_n.jpgEach year when sunlight is a rarity in our northern clime, the chickens stop laying eggs. I could use an artificial light, but I opt not to. My totally-unscientific theory is that perhaps they will lay eggs for longer if they have a winter respite. Last year,  prior to what we dubbed “The Fox Fiasco”, our chickens were free-ranging. It was hard to determine when the first egg was laid. We first knew they were laying again when we found a nest tucked into a corner of the barn overflowing with multicolored eggs.

This year the remaining chickens are cooped and it’s easier to keep an eye on things.  After the aforementioned Fox Fiasco, our flock is down to three aging chickens. (Don’t ask me how the fox knew which ones were young and tender, but they were clearly targeted!) I had retrieved two eggs over the course of last week, so I knew the girls were laying again. (Yay! Yet another sign of spring!)

Yesterday morning I hastened through my chicken chores. I slopped fresh water in their bowl, topped off the feeding tank and carried on our regular conversation. It goes something like this:

“Good morning, Chickies!  It’s a beautiful day! How are you today?”
“It looks like you were thirsty. Here’s some nice, fresh water.”
“Enjoy your day!  I’m just going to check for eggs.”
“Bawk! BAWK!” (I swear the pitch and volume changes on that response.)

I opened the door on the other side of the coop to check out the egg situation. And here’s what I found:


A bounty of beautiful eggs and a double yolker to boot! Can you see it?  What an eggs-cellent haul! After a few words of praise: (“What a good job, Chickies! You have been busy! I’m impressed!”), I gather up the eggs, head into the house to clean them off, and tuck them into their temporary cardboard nests. Spring is surely one step closer. Scrambled eggs anyone?


10 thoughts on “An Eggs-cellent Haul

  1. Cindy says:

    Whoa- I have never seen an egg that big! My favorite part of your post is your dialogue with the chickens- I can absolutely picture you saying those exact words 🙂 Enjoy your breakfast

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Linda Baie says:

    Several friends have chickens, and tell me when they start again; it is a sign of spring. I love that double-yolk. The hen must have been very proud. Sorry to hear about the fox crisis, yikes!

    Liked by 1 person

    • mbhmaine says:

      I always feel a bit bad for the hens when the eggs are that large! It’s surprising how often we do get double-yolk eggs. I remember we got double yolkers with store bought eggs when I was a child, but I never get them with store-bought eggs now. I wonder why…


  3. Lisa Keeler says:

    Oh I love everything about this moment you’ve captured in your slice. The color of the eggs, the conversation with the chickens, and the hint of spring. Fox Fiascos are what keep me from taking the leap to getting chickens…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Melanie Roy says:

    Wow! How incredible to raise chickens! Thank you for sharing this slice of your life. I find it fascinating. I have heard that you can never go back to store-bought eggs after the eggs that you’ve shown us.

    Liked by 1 person

    • mbhmaine says:

      Well, sadly we have to go get eggs at the store in the winter when the girls stop laying. We need to get a few new chicks this spring to supplement our decimated flock. I’ll probably be slicing about that come May!


  5. Joanne Toft says:

    Very cool! I don’t think I have even seen an egg that large. What makes the eggs different colors? Different chickens? I love that you have chickens. I am thinking about it but I am sure my husband would have a fit. Here in the city I am slowly taking over the whole yard with my small gardening farm.

    Liked by 1 person

    • mbhmaine says:

      Chickens really aren’t a lot of work and I get a kick out of collecting eggs. You’re right, the egg colors vary by breed. The bluish ones are from Ameraucana chickens. They also are fun because they have feather tufts on their cheeks. 🙂


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