Weekend Share


March SOLC–Day 21
A huge thank you to  Anna, Beth, Betsy, Deb, Kathleen, Lisa, Lanny, Melanie, and Stacey for all that they do to create an amazing community of writers and a safe, welcoming space to write, learn, share and grow.

On most Monday mornings, we have a Weekend Share greeting in our fourth grade classroom. During this greeting, as its name suggests, each student shares one thing he/she did over the weekend. We went around the circle yesterday, greeting each other and sharing. It was the usual assortment of weekend activities: birthday parties, skiing, time playing video games, play dates, etc.

Then we got to D. Brushing back his trademark long bangs, he said, “I went to see Beauty and the Beast.” There was a buzz of excitement and a few “I did, too” comments. D. paused, waiting for the tumult to subside, and then announced dramatically, “And I cried…I cried a lot.” The classroom echoed with a chorus of empathetic comments from both males and females.

“I know! It was so sad!”

“I cried, too!”

After the comments died down,  D. said, “I know it doesn’t sound manly, but when you feel it… you’ve just got to let it out.” He paused for a long moment, then continued. “I felt for the beast, I really did. He’s a great guy.”

D. has a well-developed sense of humor and does love a bit of drama: his delivery was impeccable. But underlying it  was sincerity about his experience at the movies. Beauty and the Beast has been at the center of some controversy, but apparently it does at least one thing right. It can move a fourth grade boy enough that he shares the story of his tears with his classmates.

15 thoughts on “Weekend Share

  1. What a sign of leadership from this young man. Since there are no movie theatres here I will have to wait until summer to see what the tears are about.

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  2. pugluv50 says:

    I enjoy our Monday morning share time. You never know what they might say.

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  3. What a safe place you have created for your students.

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  4. ureadiread says:

    That’s an impressive 4th grade boy, and a very open and supportive class community you’ve created.

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  5. Amy Warntz says:

    I am always “wowed” when my students share their deep thoughts and emotions. It’s moments like this that I really let me know that they “get it”. What a brave little guy to stand up and share his emotions with all his peers. Bravo to D and bravo to you for creating such a strong community of learners.

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  6. cindaroo42 says:

    Wow what a moment! These shares are so important because you don’t quite know when kids will open up. I like that you made the slice all about D- not your own opinion/ experience.

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  7. I love that D was able to not only share that he cried, but that it’s important to let it out. Amazing!

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  8. What a testament to the community you’ve fostered in your classroom, Molly, that this boy felt so comfortable to be open about his feelings. Bravo to you and to D.!

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  9. Fran Haley says:

    I so love the freedom to express in your class – the poignant honesty – so powerful and important. A little crack in the bravado!

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  10. Jen Driggers says:

    You’ve definitely made your classroom a comfortable and welcoming place. How great that D felt comfortable enough to express his feelings. He sounds like an amazing young man. Awesome share.

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  11. Alice Nine says:

    Well done, Molly — in the telling of this slice and in the classroom community you’ve nurtured. I loved reading it.

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