Maine Thankful

11454297503_e27946e4ff_hDay 12

I live in Maine
where currently feet of snow
still blanket the earth
and winter can be long
especially in March or April
But I am thankful
to live in a  place
where Bean Boots
are acceptable footwear
just about anywhere
and people don’t rush
too much
and some counties have
only one traffic light.

I live in Maine
and commute to work
on roads that wind
through fields that glow with snow
or with the hazy green
of growing crops
depending on the season
and the sun rises
over living things
rather than concrete and asphalt
and bird song fills the morning
rather than sounds of moving cars
and there are no billboards
to block the sky.

I live in Maine
and every time I return
from a trip away
I take a deep breath and relax
Crossing the Piscataquis Bridge
I am home.


6 thoughts on “Maine Thankful

  1. Sounds simply beautiful! I really enjoyed your poem.



  2. emmietx says:

    I’m envious of you! I live a big city in the south where we don’t really have 4 distinct seasons, but I grew up in the mid-west. I’m curious what Bean Boots are. (Like LL Bean?) Lovely poem!


    • mbhmaine says:

      Bean boots are from LL Bean. I tried to post a picture but apparently I’m not quite ready to do that yet. I did figure out how to change the spacing on my poem so my stanzas are separate. That must be the one allowable technological advance for the day! Thanks for your comment.


    • mbhmaine says:

      I added a picture now…check it out 🙂


  3. Mary says:

    I love Maine. Your poem captured many images of everything that I like about visiting. Fabulous post!


  4. danrothermel says:

    Love the snapshot of your Maine life. Your poetry is so accessible and engaging.


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