PF: A Wordle Poem

This week has been our winter break, and I’ve had minimal plans and lots of down time. Sometimes that feels good, sometimes not as much. It’s been quite cold in the mornings, and I’ve struggled to find the motivation to get up and out. I teeter back and forth on the balance beam between sluggish and relaxed.

Yesterday morning, although the skies promised a humdrum sunrise (is there such a thing, really?), I drove down to watch day begin at the river. I wasn’t the only one appreciating the views.

When I got home, I stopped to feed the birds before heading inside. As I neared the feeders, mourning doves departed in a flurry of feather and sound. A cardinal serenaded me from a nearby tree, and chickadees and crows chimed in. There were a few more unknown calls rounding out the chorus. So much singing!

Soon after coming inside, the morning lured me outside again to wander around my yard, listen to the bird song and try to capture a few photos. I can’t remember how long it had been since I’d done that. Even though it was still cold and none of my photos were particularly inspired, It felt oh-so-good.

When I sat down later for my daily Wordle, my four guesses (in bold) seemed to flow out of the morning and afterward, into this poem:

Today I will drink fresh morning air
inhale rippling bird song
and let both guide me
to build a day
worth remembering

©Molly Hogan

This week’s Poetry Friday is hosted by Tabatha Yeatts at her blog The Opposite of Indifference . Be sure to stop by today or any day for some inspiration!

16 thoughts on “PF: A Wordle Poem

  1. Patricia Franz says:

    ”…. Guide me to build a day worth remembering” Now THAT is a prayer. Thank you for this Molly


  2. jama says:

    How wonderful!! Beautiful birdsong. Thanks for the poem and taking us along on your morning walk.


  3. Anonymous says:

    Oh, lovely.

    Building a day worth remembering: that’s a goal I can get behind. On a day when I’m too tired and veering towards sluggish, I find that an inspiration.


  4. tee+d says:

    Building a day worth remembering – that’s the goal, even in winter when “sluggish” is too often the direction my brain is veering. Thanks for this lovely little poem.


  5. lindabaie says:

    There is that good medicine I call the outdoors that works every time for me, Molly. I remember that Wordle, love that you found a beautiful way to show us in a poem about good living!


  6. Susan T. says:

    A Wordle-inspired poem. Love this, Molly. I was tromping around outside today one town over, trying to find a Red- headed Woodpecker, usually a southern bird, that has spent the winter here. I didn’t locate it, but enjoyed the time outdoors.


  7. I don’t do Wordle, Molly, but I love the fact you have used your ‘guesses’ as a spark for your poetic efforts. It adds yet another piece of evidence to the belief that poetry can be found almost anywhere. The resulting poem is something of a potential morning mantra. I found it so identifable.


  8. Anonymous says:

    There’s nothing like birdsong and fresh air! So rejuvenating.


  9. Anonymous says:

    “drink fresh morning air” sounds like school break. How wonderful. I love the photo of that big ole eagle. How do they not feel the cold? Brrrrrr.


  10. I dislike (ok, hate) the cold, so I find it so hard to get myself outside and take photos in the winter. Once I get out there with proper clothing, I’m okay. It’s the forcing myself out.


  11. Elisabeth says:

    I love your poem! It pairs perfectly with your poetic description of your morning. Thanks for sharing this and your photos!


  12. The light on that eagles face–stunning (as is your wordle poem.)


  13. This is so wonderful, Molly. A reminder to me that we build our days, and our words and other passions (photography–hello) are the tools we use…


  14. maryleehahn says:

    What a perfect vacation day. Even Wordle would agree!


  15. margaretsmn says:

    I love the image of “drinking” fresh morning. I am noticing all the bird sounds these mornings. A choir for my walking.


  16. Bridget Magee says:

    Thanks for sharing your out of this wordle morning, Molly!

    (your photos are stunning 🙂 )


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