Sunrise Conversation

DSCN7022Maine summers have delightfully long days, but with the sun rising shortly after 5 am in July, it’s tough to get outside in time to greet the dawn. For some reason on Saturday morning I woke early and was immediately motivated to get up and out. After making my coffee, I drove down to the town landing then walked across the small park to the bay. The air was dense with moisture and mist drifted across the water. River flies swarmed in masses, emitting an audible hum. I walked down the gangway and onto the dock, feeling its soft roll under my feet.

Moving forward, I sat down on the smooth planks, feeling the damp seep through my dress, sipping my coffee, and watching the sky lighten. Fish jumped occasionally, a few with startlingly large splashes, and birds called back and forth. Every now and then I took a picture.  Water, sky and a sunrise are a pretty unbeatable combination, and it had been too long since I’d enjoyed that rejuvenating trinity. I breathed in the serenity of it all.


“Hello,” called a voice quietly.

I turned quickly. An older gentleman with a large camera slung about his neck was walking toward the dock. “Oh, Hi!” I said, standing up.

“I didn’t want to startle you,” he said, approaching. “Are you a photographer or a birder?”

“A little bit of both,” I replied. “How about you?”

“Oh, me, too,” he said, “but mostly a birder.”

We talked softly of the beauty of the morning and the bay and of birds we’d seen recently. I told him about the pileated woodpecker that was visiting my suet feeder and recounted my morning sunrise with a heron last fall. He shared tales of a visiting yellow warbler and an indigo bunting. He told me about a local beaver dam and confided that after weeks of trying, he’d finally gotten a couple of good shots of the beaver. He confessed that he had 28 bird feeders in his yard.

“I’m Roger,” he said, after we’d talked for a few minutes.

“I’m Molly,” I replied.

“Well, Molly,” he said, “I’m going up around the corner. There’s a spot I know there where I usually see some birds. I saw two herons there the other day.” He paused then continued, “I just wanted to say hello. Have a nice day.”

“You, too,” I said. He walked away and I turned back to the water. The sun had continued its ascent and the clouds glowed. I breathed in the serenity of it all.

It was going to be a beautiful day.


20 thoughts on “Sunrise Conversation

  1. What a peaceful scene you painted with your words. I could feel the hush of the morning. So lovely to hear about another place in the world, far away from mine and MUCH warmer now. Gorgeous pics too!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I was glad to hear that you self-identify as a birder and a photographer. Certainly you are a capturer of moments. Thanks for the morning visit to the dock.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. ALR says:

    Lovely post with images to match!! Your conversation with Roger reminds me of the power of talking to strangers as encouraged by Rolf Gates, author of Meditations From the Mat.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. People rarely speak to strangers anymore! I feel like technology has separated us from the world around us. (Skyping with Grandma is great, but…) I’m thrilled to read about the connections you are making with your town.

    Liked by 1 person

    • mbhmaine says:

      I find that when I make an extra effort to talk to someone I don’t know, I almost always have a good experience. I was glad he reached out to say hello.


  5. Amy Warntz says:

    A sense of peacefulness and serenity always resonates with me when I read your posts about the great outdoors of Maine. Thank you for sharing the beauty in both pictures and words. It’s a brief get-a-way for me!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Adrienne says:

    This was such beautiful piece. I felt peaceful reading it.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Linda Baie says:

    It’s lovely that you can be near enough to go to a beautiful place like this. I enjoyed every description, the coffee, the mist, and your nice encounter with the birder One little piece of your life that will keep you feeling good all the day!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. You captured tranquility at the start of a day through your pictures and your words. What a lovely way to start the day, Molly!

    We typically go to Maine (Ogunquit) every summer. This summer we’re skipping it since there’s no way I can hack the beach in my third trimester. Your post has me longing for the Maine coastline right now. Thanks for bringing it to me here in PA.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. What a beautiful way to start the day! Your gorgeous photos and perfect description of summer mornings in Maine and makes me wish I were there. Thanks for sharing this serene slice with us, Molly!


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