A Slice of Light


An old fashioned bubble light softly bubbles and illuminates our Christmas tree. I like the contrast of the crisp pine needles and the soft glowing light.



I’ve been following Kim Douillard’s Thinking Through My Lens blog for quite some time now.   Each week she chooses a focus for her photography and weaves her thoughts and fabulous pictures together into a thoughtful and engaging essay. She then invites others to consider that focus as they take pictures during the week. This week I finally took up one of her challenges and focused on Light.


I’m an early riser and love to watch the morning greet each day with a revelry of light. The rising sun regularly stops me in my tracks, even if only briefly. Some days I can’t resist the temptation and turn my car on a detour into town to watch the colors dance over the bay, delaying my arrival at school but lifting my mood. The reflection of light on water never fails to captivate me.


Other times I view dawn’s light show from within my house. In this picture the sun rises through the antique glass on my transom. The three wooden slats that divide the panes are almost camouflaged as trees, but you can find them if you look. I love the combination of seeping colors and glowing light seen through a screen of trees.


And some days the moon still shines brilliantly in the early morning sky. On this particular morning, I was intrigued by the way the moonlight lit the clouds, turning them into celestial smoke and an eerie hour glass formation.


As I considered light this past week, I found myself more and more intrigued by shadows, the dark area created when light is blocked. In the picture below, the shadow tree cast on the old smoke house seems to link with the tree behind it. Without that shadow tree, the image would be far less interesting.


Low in the sky at this time of year, the sun casts interesting shadows at home, too. I found myself stopping to admire and photograph my shadow cat. (In search of affection, she wasn’t the most cooperative artist’s model.)

dscn8362The winter sun plays in my kitchen as well. Late in the afternoon it shines brightly through the windows, highlighting this star, revealing its intricate pattern, something I seldom notice at other times of day or in other seasons.

dscn8586As I’ve tuned into light and shadows, I’ve become more observant: I notice the light and then look for the shadow. In this case, I love the accompanying star-shadow my glass star cast on my fridge. The contrast between the intricately lit star and its flat shadow fascinates me.


Finally, on a recent visit to Nashville, there were far more lights than I’m accustomed to in rural Maine. Although I was frustrated by my limitations as I tried to capture this nighttime scene, I do love the energy and light of the final result. Note the waxing crescent moon slinging low next to the clock tower.


What I noticed most by focusing on light this week was its interplay with darkness and shadow. I’ve come full circle, back to my recent thoughts on gratitude, and to the idea that looking to the “light” helps one shift focus and see more positives in life.  But now my thoughts are more nuanced. While focusing on the light is rewarding, perhaps contemplating the shadows helps one understand where there’s a need to cast some light. Or perhaps the point is to notice and appreciate the presence of shadows and how they enhance the light. Either way, this photographic challenge reinforced for me that the two are irrevocably bound.



15 thoughts on “A Slice of Light

  1. Another of my favorite blogs! “Seeping light”. Love the expression. I wish so many more started their day entranced with your blogs.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Amy Warntz says:

    I am always in awe of your photography. It takes slowing down and living in the moment to capture and appreciate the images you share. It connects me to my OLW for 2017, which is mindful.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Love your photos. This is a great post that reminds us to appreciate both the light and dark aspects of things. Thanks for the reminder. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. lindabaie says:

    I enjoyed every picture and your words that accompanied them, and at the end “to notice and appreciate the presence of shadows and how they enhance the light”, the lovely connections. I love taking the pictures of the light and shadows, too, each one a gift to contemplate. You’ve added much to my thoughts, Jennifer! Love that “star” shadow, especially!

    Liked by 1 person

    • mbhmaine says:

      Thanks, Linda! That star shadow was one of my favorites as well. The funny thing is that the only reason my fridge was cleared off (and able to reflect) was because we were waiting for a new one to arrive!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Terje says:

    Beautiful photos with wonderful words to tell the story of light and shadow..

    Liked by 1 person

  6. kd0602 says:

    Thanks for joining in Molly! I love the photos (your cat in shadow is wonderful!) and the words even more. You left me thinking more about light…and all the reasons it so fascinates me! I hope you’ll join in the photo/essay challenges again soon. 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

  7. Gorgeous images! And interesting thoughts. I’m a huge believer in needing both the light and the shadow (literally and figuratively). Loved your reflections:>)


  8. FlowerAlley says:

    Great shadows. I always love them included in the photos of others, but rarely think to do it myself. Hmmmm?


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