Three Things


Whoa! The combination of daily blogging, teaching and parent teacher conferences just about does me in each March! It’s difficult to find time to think this week, much less time to write! It’s also easy to focus on the daunting piles of work and the crazy schedule and forget to be grateful for all the happy, little things. So, in an effort to reset the lens, here are three things I was grateful for yesterday:

  1. I pick my clothes out at night for the next day. Almost every evening I whine, “Kurt, what should I wear to school tomorrow?” It’s become a bit of a joke. His standard response is, “A black bra and pink panties.” He thinks that’s hilarious because I hate the word “panties” and because it’s so patently unhelpful. Last night, however, I walked into my room, looked in the closet, and an outfit practically fell off the hangers into my outstretched hands. That’s a reason for some gratitude!
  2. This year I moved up from teaching first grade to teaching fourth. In the afternoons after I walk my class to the buses, the K-2 wing is exiting the building. On my way back in I often see my former students and receive smiles, greetings and lots of hugs. Today’s count was three huge hugs and loads of smiles!
  3. Despite three no-shows and two re-schedulings today, I’m halfway done with conferences. I received a lovely sincere apology e-mail from one of my no-shows. “Dear Mrs. Hogan, I’m so sorry I missed parent teacher conference this morning.  I told C. to tell you I was a bonehead, but he refused.  It completely slipped my mind until we were out the door.  I know your time for these things is valuable, so let me apologize again.” Loved it!

Two more days in the challenge and two more days of conferences! It’s looking increasingly possible that I’ll make it through!  Hope you’re finding many things to be grateful for in your days.

8 thoughts on “Three Things

  1. pugluv50 says:

    This was me last week. My room parent, who I have had three times, who’s daughter knew the time her parents were arriving, and who’s parent left work early to conference, totally forgot about our conference. Our minds are boggled, and our time is tight. We rescheduled and we laughed about it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Amy Warntz says:

    Not only did you manage to find some gratitude, but you also sprinkled some humor into your busyness. I can see that Kurt instigates some of that humor too! Laughing certainly eases the chaos. You’re almost there, Molly! Friday is right around the corner!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. mbhmaine says:

    Thanks for the support, Amy! Kurt definitely does his part to sprinkle some humor around!


  4. pittswitts says:

    Great reflections. It’s those small things that keep us grounded and grateful.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. cindaroo42 says:

    Great post, Molly! You’re right, I need to slow down and appreciate these little things whilst in this crazy week! I love that parent email- a sincere apology really goes a long way. Ha black bra and panties 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. What a treat it’s been to wake up knowing your blog will be there this entire month. Yeah, for 31 days. As you know, when you look for joy and reasons to be grateful, you find them everywhere.

    Liked by 1 person

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