Summer Bids Farewell


Late Blooming Rose2.jpg

This week the Roundup is hosted by the talented Laura Purdie Salas at her blog, Writing the World for Kids. She’s celebrating the inclusion of four poems in the new J. Patrick Lewis anthology with National Geographic. She shares one of them, a beautiful piece about finding peace in nature in Northern Minnesota. Stop by and check it out!

18 thoughts on “Summer Bids Farewell

  1. cvarsalona says:

    Looks like you and I are both biding summer goodbye, Molly. May I capture your image poem for Abundant Autumn Gallery? It is the right size. I used one of your summer image poems for the Mini-Gallery I am sharing at PF tonight.

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    • mbhmaine says:

      With the odd swings in temperature, it’s been a lingering goodbye to summer here. The leaves are beginning to cover the lawn, but there are still quite a few blooms in my garden. Add temperatures in the high 70s and low 80s and it’s all quite confusing!
      You’re welcome to use this image poem in your gallery. Thanks for considering it and for asking! I’ll look forward to enjoying your mini-gallery later today.

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  2. This is beautiful, Molly! I love the fuzzy blur of autumn colors behind the shapr beauty of the flowers. Your poem captures it perfectly:>)

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  3. Really lovely, Molly. Is that possibly snow in the background? If not, the idea of it with the really light color adds to the goodbye to summer feeling. I miss summer so much. But, I am enjoying the first kinda crisp day here. Won’t mind autumn a bit!

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  4. What a pretty and sweet farewell, Molly. I love seeing your photographs pop up in others’ posts over the last couple weeks or so, too!

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  5. Diane Mayr says:

    Wow, Molly! You are quite the photographer!

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  6. Donna Smith says:

    Those roses sure are surprising sometimes as they erupt amid the fall colors! Love it!

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  7. Sorry to see those beach roses say goodbye, along with the rest of summer. We’re getting our first frost tonight, so I suppose autumn really is here, after all.

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  8. maryleehahn says:

    Perfect pairing of photo and words! (I wrote about autumn this week, too!)

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  9. Gorgeous image Molly and rich haiku to accompany it, thanks! I sure love still seeing those roses…

    Liked by 1 person

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