Feeling Stupid and Lucky

slice-of-life_individualDSC_1005.jpgDriving away from a dawn photo session by a local river, I looked over my left shoulder. The sun was just rising, and color streaked the sky. I pulled over to the berm to pause and once again admire the evolving view. It really was lovely.

Just one more picture,  I thought.

I grabbed my camera, jumped out of the car, and walked across the road. The power lines were in the way, so I moved a bit further away to avoid them. I crouched down, angled this way and that, and took a few photos.DSC_1010.jpg


The sound barely registered as I focused on capturing the golden rays and the reflection on the river.

Crackle! Snap! SNAP!

Huh? What was that? 


I turned to look, as simultaneously my neurons fired in nervous anticipation of the answer.

Oh, no!

Oh, yes!

I hadn’t!

I had!

I knew it before I even saw it. Dread trickled down my spine.

Intent on my photo op, I must have left the car in drive.

Sure enough, my car had already rolled down the road away from me. It had now begun a descent into the side growth, crushing bushes and twigs in its path. Even as I looked, my mouth agape, it continued on its path …

Snap, crackle!


I ran.

It rolled.

Finally, it stopped.

I kept running until I reached it.

I looked at the slant of the car. At the wet, wet ground below it from the 3 inches of rain we’d had the day before. At the tree that had stopped its full descent. At the morass of weedy swamp in front of the tree.

I assessed for about one second. Then, I jumped in, put it into reverse and praying, stepped slowly but firmly on the gas.




Scrape! Crunch! Crackle! Crack!

skidding, slipping….



Slowly but surely my trusty little Subaru extricated itself from the pit of my stupidity.

In a moment I was back safely on the side of the road. The sun was still casting lovely rays. My heart was beating madly and my hands were gripping the steering wheel. This time I put the car firmly in park.

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” I whispered over and over and over again, interspersed with “Oh, my God!” “Oh, my God!” “Oh, my God!”

After I’d settled down a bit, I took a breath and slowly steered back onto the road. I drove home shaking the entire way, imagining all the what ifs from bad to worse: What if it had been stuck? What if it had been damaged? Or totaled? What if it had gone the other direction and into the river? What if it had hit another car? What if it had injured someone?

“Oh, my God! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

I felt unbelievably stupid and unbelievably lucky.




22 thoughts on “Feeling Stupid and Lucky

  1. ureadiread says:

    How terrifying! Glad you’re safe. Wishing you peaceful, calm, and relaxing days ahead.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The Universe has a way of looking out for good folks. As you the Universe, is filled with lucky stars. Yours was shining this past weekend. All’s well the end’s well. Love this slice. Again, the Internet will be a better place when your blog goes viral!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Dana says:

    I thought at first you saw a moose! That was a funny story – only because you were okay. Beautiful shot of the sunrise, too.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Amy Ellerman says:

    This feels like a hybrid of prose and poetry–the addition of your photos adds a third layer of interest and complexity. Love this line: “Slowly but surely my trusty little Subaru extricated itself from the pit of my stupidity.” Who knew the pursuit of creativity could be so dangerous! Thanks for sharing this slice.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. margaretsmn says:

    Luck was on your side. I love the way you crafted this post. Even though I knew the end, I was gripped by anticipation.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. cbferris says:

    Good one!

    On Tue, Dec 17, 2019, 4:48 PM Nix the comfort zone wrote:

    > mbhmaine posted: “Driving away from a dawn photo session by a local river, > I looked over my left shoulder. The sun was just rising, and color streaked > the sky. I pulled over to the berm to pause and once again admire the > evolving view. It really was lovely. Just one more ” >

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Amanda Potts says:

    Oh my goodness! I was on the edge of my seat as I read this. Your description is so vivid. WOW. Lucky indeed – and you got a beautiful picture, too.

    Liked by 1 person

    • mbhmaine says:

      Thanks, Amanda! It was actually stressful to write about it and “relive it.” All’s well that ends well, I guess, but somehow that picture is a bit tainted in my mind! lol


  8. Patty McLaughlin says:

    Oh gosh, Molly. How scary. So glad to hear that you (and the car) are ok. That would have been my exact reaction, and certainly something I would have done.

    This season is so stressful and busy. I hope you get a chance to relax and enjoy some unhurried time over the holidays. Sending hugs. ❤️

    Sent from my iPad


    Liked by 1 person

  9. My blood pressure rose as I read this! I’m glad everything worked out.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. cvarsalona says:

    Molly, at first, I was totally in awe of the scene you photographed. Then, I was riveted by what happened next. I can imagine your angst and anxiety as the car moved on away from you. Wrapped in surprise and horror you survived. Thank the Lord. This was your Christmas blessing today.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I mean, those pictures are gorgeous! And you have a fantastic story to share. So all worked out! 🙂 Glad you and you’re car are okay.


  12. Ramona says:

    Oh my, so glad it ended okay. Reminds me of the car that was left running in the parking garage as we headed into a concert last night. When we came out, 2 and 1/2 hours later, it was still running. Hope they had plenty of gas! At least, it was in park. Your story is a reminder to slow down and pay attention.


  13. mainereader says:

    Oh Molly,

    I was groaning and “Oh no-ing,” and so worried as I read today’s post. Am so glad your car is safe and well. It is, isn’t it? I think your running/jogging past helped greatly.

    Sue Phillips mainereader@gmail.com



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