SOLC Day 13: On Daylight Savings

March 2022 SOLC–Day 13
A huge thank you to Two Writing Teachers for all that they do to create an amazing community of writers and a safe, welcoming space to write, learn, share and grow.

On the horizon light spills over into day. Walking into the kitchen, I glance at the wall clock. 5:24. I tap my Fitbit to see if it needs charging. 6:24.


I’m thoroughly befuddled for a long moment… until I remember: Today is Daylight Savings. Someone had mentioned it a day or two ago, but I had totally forgotten. I fight the sensation of already being behind. 

Outside, the birds are already busy, scrabbling amongst yesterday’s snow for yesterday’s seed.  Flitting in and out from the feeders. Retreating from the birch to the apple tree and beyond. They’re still a bit shadowy in the dim light, but I can identify them: Junco. Mourning dove. Gold finch. Tufted titmouse. White-breasted nuthatch. Downy woodpecker. There’s such satisfaction in naming them. Such quiet pleasure in watching them. 

Do they know it’s an hour later than they thought?

How arbitrary this thing we call time is. 

20 thoughts on “SOLC Day 13: On Daylight Savings

  1. Thanks for this. Indeed out need for time and productivity. Why are we “behind?” I love the new phrase I am hearing in workshops ( and therapy) these days. “You are right where you need to be.” Yes. Thank you. I am, and you are too!

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  2. I was so depressed this morning, Molly, at how dark it was when we arose at 6:00. But as soon as the dawn chorus (with wintery modifications, of course) began, all felt right again. Enjoy the day!

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  3. I woke up and looked at my phone and was so happy that I’d slept late since it was already 7! Then I remembered… yes, time is arbitrary!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. dmsherriff says:

    Yes, arbitrary! Perfect word! I admire how you can name the birds! I know those names but can only identify a few when I see them.

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  5. I am in the CT zone so I am completely messed up! I do hate losing an hour — but yes time is arbitrary.

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  6. humbleswede says:

    We tried something new this year, turning the clocks ahead on Friday afternoon. It only works if you don’t have any appointments on Saturday. I love spring, but springing forward is a bit stressful. Thanks for the birds, though. They’ve been helping us this week, as we’ve been noticing new members of the morning chorus.

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    • mbhmaine says:

      I like your strategy. Do you think you’ll do it again? I can see how it might mess up Saturday appointments though. lol That morning chorus has definitely added a few new members. Enjoy!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I agree, we are the only ones that make life so complicated, the rest of the world, the birds, the rabbits and squirrels, the insects and the trees, do they really care what time it is when the sun starts to peak over the horizon? As long as there is light and then darkness, to them, that’s really all that matters.

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  8. TLC says:

    Arbitrary- Yes! I always dread this day for sending me off schedule, but so love it when I enjoy the daylight hours later!

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  9. Leigh Anne Eck says:

    The time change hasn’t hit me yet as I have done nothing but read and comment on slices. But I am sure it will, especially when it is time to go to bed.

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  10. kd0602 says:

    I had a similar moment this morning, totally forgetting that this was the spring forward day. And I too spent time with birds today…and wrote about them too. Time…what does it really mean?

    Liked by 1 person

    • mbhmaine says:

      Bluebirds and robins were especially welcome visitors over the weekend here. They’re around these days in winter, but aren’t commonly seen (at least at my house) and they were quite present the last two days. Such a treat!


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