A flurry of haiku, #haikuforhope


There’s still no snow in coastal Maine, but the flurries of haiku continue. I’ve been consistently inspired and impressed by the poems shared by #haikuforhope participants during this month. Here’s a glimpse at my week in haiku.

December 21st:

holiday baking
cinnamon-scented memories
inhale deeply…hold…

December 22nd:

drifting asleep
somersaulting through my day
mental gymnastics

December 23rd:

airport insight
hello is a prelude to
another goodbye

December 24th:

last minute wrapping
scissors flash, ribbons fly
paper tornado

December 25th:

Christmas Morning Miracle

dull metal barn roof
under moonlight’s soft caress
transforms to silver

December 26th:

Seasonal Preserves

today’s harvest yields
glowing jars of ripe moments
tomorrow’s sustenance

December 27th:

laughter drifts upstairs
their late night sibling revelry
sweetens my dreams

All haiku © Molly Hogan, 2018

Donna Smith is hosting this week’s Poetry Friday Roundup at her blog, Mainely Write. She’s sharing thoughts on finding your way and a delightful angel poem inspired by the angels in her new home.  You can spend some pleasant hours exploring links to other poetry posts while you’re there. Also, if you haven’t had a chance to do so yet, I encourage you to visit Twitter and check out #haikuforhope.

36 thoughts on “A flurry of haiku, #haikuforhope

  1. haitiruth says:

    Thanks for the haiku! We are staying put this year, and the hellos and goodbyes came to us. I’m always aware of the goodbyes even at the moment of hello! Ruth, thereisnosuchthingasagodforsakentown.blogspot.com

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Linda Mitchell says:

    The sound of my kids enjoying each other’s company is the best tonic in the world for me. Somehow, I love listening to it from afar…from upstairs. Why is that? I should be in the middle of it. But, one of the greatest gifts in the world to me is that my children should befriend each other. It’s something I’ve hoped and prayed for since the first baby. Beautiful haiku. I’ve really enjoyed writing with you.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Molly, I’ve so enjoyed your Maine perspective! My favorites above are–wait–
    all of them! But especially barn roof and glowing jars and paper tornado.
    I feel the same as you and Linda about the sibling teaming–once we are no longer central in their lives, it’s good to see that they are central in each other’s, even if briefly and even if the teaming is teaming up against the parents!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I missed the call for #haikufor hope, but have been enjoying these all month. I offer up a silly one baked just for you this morning, Molly.

    sweet almond goodness
    here one fine day gone the next
    elusive Kringle

    A highlight of 2018 was finally meeting up at Heinemann. Here’s to a longer visit somewhere, somehow in 2019!


    Liked by 1 person

  5. Tabatha says:

    You baked up another heart-filling batch of haiku, Molly!

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  6. You are a haiku-meister! (Is that a masculine noun?) haiku-mistress! 17 syllable stories to start my day. gracias.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. lindabaie says:

    All wonderful, Molly! The haiku in December serves us well for a diary. I too love the laughter in my family when all together, over all too soon. And I love your insight here: “hello is a prelude to
    another goodbye”. That is a quote to remember! Happy New Year to you and all your family!

    Liked by 1 person

    • mbhmaine says:

      It’s been fun writing with you this month, Linda. I hesitated about sharing more haiku today, but realized that I did want them all together in one space. Like you said, these haiku do serve as a sort of diary. Happy New Year to you as well!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Joyce Ray says:

    I love them all, too! We also have been blessed with children who are now adult friends. The use of ‘revelry’ where my mind was ready for ‘rivalry’ is beyond clever! I especially love the comparison of the year’s or season’s memories to jars of preserves. Truly the memories are often what sustain us. May the New Year create a new harvest of memories for you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • mbhmaine says:

      Thanks, Joyce! Hearing your children laugh together at any age is a delight. I treasure it even more these days as my children have headed off in different directions and aren’t often gathered in one place. I wish you a wonderful harvest of memories in 2019 as well!


  9. carwilc says:

    I have loved reading all of the #haikuforhope, even though I didn’t get my act together to participate. You have captured some lovely glimpses this week. Your Christmas Eve sounds a lot like mine!

    Liked by 1 person

    • mbhmaine says:

      Paper tornados are a predictable part of my Christmas Eve every year, even when I’m determined to avoid them! By the way, you can still chime in during the next few days with a haikuforhope! Most years I’ve only participated on a very part time basis.


  10. Donna Smith says:

    So beautiful! And yes, listening from afar to sibling revelry vs sibling rivalry is always a beautiful thing. Sometimes if we are too close, our presence is felt, and it stifles them or creates a need for us to participate. I am happy to be left out of the conversation when they are building a relationship with each other.
    If it’s any consolation, it is raining in PA. No snow. I think (questioning look) I’m going to miss the snow (did I just say that?)

    Liked by 1 person

    • mbhmaine says:

      Well, we actually did wake to snow yesterday morning…which then turned to cold, brutal rain and piles of slippery slush. Ick. I guess I need to be more specific in my weather wishes!


  11. There is such a strong sense of hope in all of these! Thank you for sharing your wondrous words.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. maryleehahn says:

    I do so love these little glimpses and insights into the lives of our poetry friends! We are bound together by our #haikuforhope, and yet so completely unique!

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  13. I like your “sibling revelry” play on words here Molly. And your, “cinnamon-scented memories,” and bittersweet hellos and goodbyes at the airport. I agree withs Mary Lee, it’s fun peering between your curtains, thanks and Happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Susan Bruck says:

    I love all of these haiku! The airport one rings so true, now that both my daughters live in different cities-sweet, joyful and sad all at the same time. But your seasonal preserves and sibling revelry warms my heart. Thanks for sharing all of these–and happy new year!

    I read about haiku for hope here on your blog–it’s such a wonderful idea. It’s inspired me to write holy nights haiku.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. mbhmaine says:

    Thanks, Susan! There’s something addictive about the powerful brevity of haiku.


  16. margaretsmn says:

    When the house is full, it is warm. Love your joy-filled haiku from the week.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. I agree with Heidi! I can’t choose a favorite because they are all wonderful. Here’s to “cinnamon-scented memories,” “paper tornado[s],” and “late night sibling revelry!” Happy New Year, Molly!

    Liked by 1 person

    • mbhmaine says:

      Thanks, Catherine. I’ve so enjoyed reading your haiku this month. Your recent dove one is especially love. Wishing you a wonderful 2019! Perhaps our paths will intersect IRL this year again 🙂


  18. laurashovan222 says:

    Those mental gymnastics keep me up at night too. I love how your “sibling revelry” plays on and changes “sibling rivalry.”

    Liked by 1 person

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