July Challenge: Persistence

It’s the first of July and also the first Friday of the month. That means it’s time to share the Inklings challenge for the month. Heidi had the honors this month. After noticing how in her own garden “THE PLANTS KEEP GROWING. They rarely give up,” she noted that “there are so many ways in which we’ve all (but especially as women, as educators) had to be persistent, despite our weariness.” So, she invited us to write a poem about persistence.

For a variety of reasons, the past month got away from me (first of July=first Friday of July was an equation that escaped my attention until quite recently!). I am going with my initial off-the-cuff responses to the challenge. Clearly I needed (and took) a respite from heavier topics.

One of life’s pressing questions…

Who is more persistent:
The thick, black hair
firmly rooted 
in the softening skin
on the left side of my chin
or I 
who wield
the tweezers
again and again?

©Molly Hogan

I’ve run into a dilemma with the title of the next poem. It’s not objects, as in things, but objects, as in voices dissent. So, how does one convey that or give enough context in a title? Definitely a conundrum! I just decided to opt for forewarning you.

Cat Objects

Why is “dogged”
used to indicate persistence
or a steady pursuit?
Isn’t her presence
at the mouse hole,
paw poised, statue-still
more worthy of canonization
in the lexicon?
So, not “dogged”
but “catted”?
Just yell “Squirrel!”
she suggests
and rests her case.

©Molly Hogan

If you want to see what the other Inklings did with this challenge, click on the links below:

Linda Mitchell
Margaret Simon
Catherine Flynn
Heidi Mordhorst
MaryLee Hahn

I’ll be traveling for the next week or so, and am unsure how much internet access and time I’ll have. I hope to be able to make the rounds, albeit, perhaps, in a piecemeal fashion.

This week’s Poetry Friday Roundup is hosted by Janice Scully at her blog, Salt City Verse. She’s sharing a great poem inspired by reading about supernovae.

28 thoughts on “July Challenge: Persistence

  1. Your first poem, Molly, grew on me. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. maryleehahn says:

    BWAHAHA! Those dang wires that grow out of faces! Whose idea was THAT? For the second one, why not just go ahead and title it Cat Dissents? Too much Ruth vibe? No matter the title, it captures the truth of the matter. Both are fantastic responses to the challenge!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Linda Mitchell says:

    Ha! I do love these humorous takes on persistence. I’m adding catted to my lexicon right now. My summer is flashing by. I hate that…and I love all the moments at the same time. Enjoy your travels! Do something fun, eat the ice cream and aim that camera often!

    Liked by 1 person

    • mbhmaine says:

      I can totally relate to the busy, flashing by summer thing. I am currently en route to TN and the past two weeks seem like they’ve been impossibly full with more to come. I love reconnecting, seeing new things, etc. but am looking forward to cultivating a pocket of domestic quiet later this month. Enjoy your time!!!


  4. cvarsalona says:

    Molly, your first poem should be posted on my vanity table since the hairs on my chinny-chin-chin want to build my prowess with the tweezer. Your humor invented a new word that shares the stage with persistence. Turn your gaze now on the path to pursuing total relaxation time this summer.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. mbhmaine says:

    I think the hairs win the persistence contest. Happy summer, Carol!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. heidimordhorst says:

    May our chins be vineyards of persistence, may our whiskers be badges of wisdom! And yeah, cats totally win the persistence prize. Maybe “On Principle, Cat Objects”? Please insist that TN offers you time just to be. Your soul needs rest, Molly.

    Liked by 1 person

    • mbhmaine says:

      Heidi, I’m so excited for your travels and hope you find the perfect balance of adventure and relaxation. What a delicious way to begin the next phase of your life 🙂 Thanks for another great title suggestion 🙂


  7. margaretsmn says:

    What a fun collection of persistent poems. That darn chin hair. I actually once wrote a poem about it, too. Who knows where it is now. The persistence of the hunting cat is captured in your poem.

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  8. lindabaie says:

    Ah, you’ve hit the ‘whiskers’ on the head quite well, Molly, and “catted” trails along beautifully. Happy July! May it bring some joy from our persistence!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. rosecappelli says:

    Such wonderful poems, Molly! I can especially relate to the first one! Thanks for sharing them both and i hope you persist in your quest for some down time this summer.

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  10. mgminer says:

    My legs have gone bald, but the chin hair persists! Not fair!
    I loved these poems to lighten the mood of recent days.

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  11. Cat Objects is perfect (purr-fect)!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. janicescully says:

    I actually wrote a poem once about my mother who I used to watch gazing into a mirror and tweezing her chin with great persistence. Now, sadly, I understand her “dogged” persistence a little better. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  13. These are terrific, Molly! Chin hairs are my nemesis! And yes, cats win the persistence game, hands down. Enjoy your trip to Tennessee!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Hahaha. Chin hairs here, too. So. Freakin. Annoying. Love your cat poem, too. The bit starting with “Isn’t her presence…” – love!

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  15. I’m loving this light voiced humor in both your poems Molly, and especially the darn chin hairs, which one has to laugh with cause what else can we do, thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

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